The column to which JesusChrist is tied up bears some phallic appearance and delightful symbolism. Please notice the last stone slightly displaced off center recalling the glans, it even seems roundish on top and a central broken chip of stone resembles the orifice, besides it is erected right in front of the Western access to Sagrada Familia. Looks like an obvious union of opposites motif just like the Greek characters for alpha/omega in a feminine triangular shape -which put together would make the Star of David. Beyond that, Christ's figure alone could represent all men tied up to passions and, therefore, a paradigm of human history for the last few thousands of years. @Domenec Mendez
Domenec Mendez Lady Liberty pg. 60
parece interesante, pero por desgràcia esta en ingles, podrias ponerlo abajo del texto en ingles ponerlo en español o catalan.
ReplyDeleteMuy buena la foto, se puede mal interpretar...
Sobre lo queeentendido jesucristo esta cogido en una col.lumna porque no quiere irse.Jesucristo es de piedra abrazando una col·lumna.
ReplyDeleteNo me gusta mucho porque no soy creiente pero lo respeto.
Esta escultura me parece que es muy bonita y representa a un hombre que parece que este abrazando a alguien aunque tambien tiene una cuerda en la mano y eso hace que no se sepa bien lo que hace la escultura y esta con cara de pena y como muy sentimental.
ReplyDeleteEsta escultura me parece muy bonita y representa a un hombre
ReplyDeleteque parece que este abrazando a una columna con cara de pena y con una cuerda en la mano y parece muy sentimental.
This text describes the column of Jesus Christ, which is attached. Located in the western approaches of the Sagrada Familia. And every man is tied up in the passions.
ReplyDeleteThis photo shows the statue of Christ bound in a column, sad, and vanished. Around, many people photographing the work.
In my opinion, is a beautiful statue, I'd like to see.
The column to which JesusChrist is tied up bears some phallic appearance and delightful symbolism.
ReplyDeleteI think it has to do with the relationship between Christianity and Judaism, because in the description Mingo wrote: Looks like an obvious union of opposites motif just like the Greek characters for alpha/omega in a feminine triangular shape -which put together would make the Star of David.
Is an activity that does not interest me much, because I do not believe in God.
Dani Vera 3-A