Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to Play

Hi ya,

After posting, take a little time to reflect on your story and try to relate it to any of the general archetypes mentioned on the tabs, or the sub-archetypes listed in them. Then, edit the corresponding page/tab and paste a link to your post. Don't worry about making mistakes, we never do.

Proceeding like this should stimulate feedback and new postings, it should familiarize readers with Jungian archetypes and ease a higher understanding of ourselves and others. 

Therefore, the purpose of this space is:

  • providing a meeting point to pour down and suggest the archetypal relationship among different characters, objects of power, images, songs, tales, plots, movies, etc... sharing significance or similar situations;
  • fostering the respect, dialogue and intercultural tolerance based on an iconographic and symbolic comparison which should prove basic common needs and a universal identity;
  • Setting up an environment where showing off those artistic creations or events of any kind that can ease up this understanding;
  • Sharing personal experiences of any kind -whether tribial or therapeutic- which might be related to archetypes, myths and folklore in a conscious way; or as a query for other internauts to give their opinions;
  • Disseminate the work of Swish psychiatrist Carl G. Jung in different fields of knowledge;

Each TAB/PAGE  (The Hero/Heroine, the Mother, Food of the Gods...)  are meant:

- to propose archetypal relationships among different elements,

- to share personal experiences or artistic creations, and

- for other purposes that may occur to you,
Which of these archetypes do you most identify with? Pick up your archetype or archetypes and play.
The Self
Most important one, it's when you win it all -material and immaterial things-  or when you don't mind winning or losing; or when you lose it all except your desire to go on.

The Shadow
The Dark Side of the Force. Those qualities we don't like about us, opposed to the Persona, that is, our mask we present to others.

it might be related to other archetypes such as:

Satan and Tyrants,
The Trickster or Fox,
The Scarecrow,
The Witch
guys' femenine side 
girls' masculine side

The Persona

The Great Mother

The Virgin -ie: the Damsel in distress
 The Mother
The Witch -ie: the Femme Fatal
The Sacred Prostitute

The Child

the Hero
the Martyr
the Soldier or Warrior
the Mentor
the Wise Man

The Journey
the Sacred Mountain
Crossing the Desert
The Fountain of Eternal Youth

Objects of Power
Magic Band 
the Lamp
The Arch
Book of Power
The Tree of Life
Food of the Gods
The Fountain of Eternal Youth

The Ordial

every day's work


l propósito de este espacio es:
  • proporcionar un punto de encuentro donde abocar y sugerir la relación arquetípica entre diferentes personajes, objetos de poder, imágenes, canciones, cuentos, películas, etc... que compartan significados o situaciones parecidas;
  • estimular el respeto, el diálogo y la tolerancia intercultural en base a una comparación iconográfica y simbólica que debería probar necesidades básicas comunes y una identidad universal;
  • facilitar un marco donde exponer creaciones artísticas, eventos y manifestaciones que fomenten este entendimiento;
  • compartir experiencias personales de todo tipo -tribiales o terapéuticas- que puedan guardar relación con arquetipos, mitos y folklore de forma consciente; o como consulta para que otros internautas opinen;
  • Divulgar el trabajo del psiquiatra suizo Carl G. Jung en diferentes campos del conocimiento;
¿Cómo se juega?


- para proponer relaciones arquetípicas entre diferentes elementos,

- para compartir experiencias personales y creaciones artísticas; y

- para otros temas que se os ocurran.

Escoge tu arquetipo o arquetipos y juega.

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